Have a question? Please check our FAQ section first, and if you still need help please send an email with your question to Dervishprints@gmail.com

Order Processing & Dispatch

Order Processing Time :

Our personalised orders take 3-5 working days for us to process, this is the time it will take us to get your order printed or embroidered and get ready for dispatch.

How Will I Know My Order Has Been Dispatched :

We will send out automated dispatch notification emails and please make sure to include your email address when ordering.

Delivery & Tracking Information

Delivery Options & Charges :

Standard Delivery which takes 2-4 working days. £3.00

Express Delivery which takes 1-3 working day. £4.00

Next Day Delivery which takes 1 working day. £10.00

I Paid For Next Day Delivery, When Will I Get My Order ?

Please note after the initial order processing of 3-5 working days once the order is dispatched your parcel will be delivered the next working day. If parcel is dispatched on Friday, it will be delivered on Monday. 

I Am Unable To Track The Parcel, The Tracking Does Not Show ?

Kindly note our standard 2nd class parcels and 1st class parcels are sent with Royal Mail as signed for service. You will not be able to track them throughout and they only show a signature once the parcel is delivered. 

International Delivery :

We can deliver to Europe, America, Australia and Canada. Please get in contact with us and we will manually add shipping option for your country.

Returns & Exchanges

Do You Accept Returns ?

We don’t accept returns on personalised orders as we are unable to resell them. If the order you received is faulty, damaged please get in contact with us through email and we will offer you a replacement or partial refund. 

Do You Offer Exchanges On Size On Personalised Products ?

We don’t offer exchanges on personalised orders as we are unable to resell them. If the order you received is faulty or not as desired or lost in post, please get in contact with us through email and we will help you out.

Clothing Garment Information

Are Your Hoodies True To Size?

Our sizes generally come up a little big. 

General Queries

Can You Send Me Images Of My Order ?

We usually can't as we are busy processing orders during the day.


Do You Include An Invoice In The Order Packaging ? I Want To Get The Gift Delivered To Recipient.

No, we don’t include any invoice in the order packaging, and you can directly send the parcel to the recipient.

Do You Offer Gift Packaging ? How Are The Products Packed ?

We don’t offer any gift packaging; however, all our products are packed neatly and securely in suitable packaging. 

Can I Make Changes To My Order After Submitting The Order ?

Yes, you can however please get in contact with us as soon as you can so we can update your order details. We are unable to make changes after the item is marked as dispatched or order has been printed.